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Final Assembly 2016 – 2017

As the final term draws to a close, I wish you all a restful and enjoyable summer break.
Thank you again for your contribution this year in making Newmarket B.N.S a school we can all be proud of.
I look forward to seeing you all in September and to those of you who are leaving us for secondary school,  we wish you all the best and you are welcome back to visit at any time.
Is mise le meas,

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Concern Bake Sale

ConcernEach year 6.5 million children under five years old die from hunger-related causes. It’s easy to think you can’t make a difference, but every year you, and thousands of people like you, do! Concern Worldwide works with the poorest communities across Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. They help them find better ways to provide food for themselves now and in the future.
Every cake, bun and biscuit that was sold today will help Concern Worldwide support mothers like Monica and her daughter Deli with life-changing food and training.
We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to everyone for their overwhelming support of our Bake Sale! The event far exceeded our expectations and made us proud, once again, to be part of a community that supports charity, our pupils and our school.
Particular thanks to M. Jennifer and Rang V-VI who organised the event which raised a whopping €550.00.

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Explanation Writing -description

The purpose of explanation writing is to give an account of some fact or occurrence. To explain!

Explanations seem to fall into two main types:
Those that explain how things are, or those that explain why things are….

The format of the story is:

  1. The Title
  2. Introduce the topic with a definition or brief description.
  3. Explain how or why something happens…. (The body of the story)
    – Explain important points in order, using second or third person ( you, he/she, it, they – not I or we).
  4. How something works
    1. What it is used for
    2. How each part works
    3. How the parts work together
    4. How to use it
  5. Why something happens
    1. How and why it starts
    2. what happens next and why
    3. What happens after that and why
    4. What happens finally, why
  6. A summary or recommendation or a general comment


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Literacy Lift Off – writing stations

Here are some explanation texts, written by the pupils at each of the seven stations during Literacy Lift Off (Jan 13th – Feb 14th, ’14). They wrote for 7 minutes each day over a two week period. They learned to apply capital letters and full stops to sentences (without being reminded!) and to spell as much as possible without help.

Why a party is good!

A party is fun.
We can play games. We ask our friends to come. We have buns. It is a happy time. You can have birthday cake. You can get lots of presents. You can play with the presents.
I love parties because I have lots of fun.

Jack Lane,  Michael Cronin, Tyler O’Donoghue, Diarmuid O’Donovan (Senior Infants) Christian Barry (1st Class)

How to use a quad….

Quads are big bikes with four wheels. They are very fast.
When you use a quad you use a helmet and big boots. Some times you wear a leather jacket.
Turn on the key to get the quad going. You drive a quad in the field. They are useful on the farm. They can be dangerous.
I think quads are cool. I can have a quad when I am older.

Alan McCarthy, Fionan Lane, Dylan O’Connor (Senior Infants); Charlie Saville, Anthony O’Donovan (First class)

How to swim….

Swimming is a sport. Swimming is good for you.
You wear a swimming togs in the pool. When you are learning to swim you dip your head in the water. You must learn to float. You must kick your legs and use your arms too. At the start you must hold on to the bars. You need to learn to open your eyes under the water if you have no goggles.
I like swimming. I go to swimming lessons.

Sam Muller, Ciaran Lynch (Seniors), Conor Kelly, Gavin Fleming (First Class),
Oran Moynihan (2nd Class)

Why cows are good….

This story is about cows. Cows are animals who have calves.
They give us milk. They eat grass and they have four stomachs to make the milk. We kill cows to get meat. This is called beef. You buy it and cook it and then eat the beef. Some people sell their cows to the mart or factory. Cows have tags with numbers on them so the owners won’t get mixed up.
Cows are great.

Colin Lehane (Seniors),
Dara Weathers, Eoin Goggin, Shane Doody, Cillian Saville (First class)

How to play soccer….

Soccer is the most famous sport in the world. It is played in every country in the world.
The goalkeepers are the only players who can touch the ball with their hands. All of the other players use their feet. In a match goalies need gloves, studs, a jersey and shin guards. All of the other players need shorts, studs, jerseys, shin guards and a ball.
I know a lot of teams like Man United, Chelsea, Liverpool and Hull City.

Brion O’Keeffe, 1st Class

Soccer is a game that is played by foot. It is played nearly by everyone.
The goalkeeper needs gloves to play. You need shin guards, a ball, jersey, shorts and football boots all to play. The goalkeeper needs gloves to play. The players can’t catch the ball but the goalkeeper can. You can get a yellow card if you foul. You must pass the ball around the pitch.  Two teams play and whatever team has the most goals at the end of the game wins.
I love the game. It was a great game because our team won. Wow!

Eoin O’Driscoll, 1st Class

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. It is played in all of the countries in the world.
You need shin guards, a soccer ball, gloves, a jersey and shorts. If you are  a goalkeeper you need gloves. Some out fielders wear gloves too. You can get a yellow card and red card if you foul someone. You need to pass the ball and score to win. You cannot touch the ball with your hands.
I love soccer! It is my favourite sport!

Colin O’Leary, 1st Class

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. It is played in every country around the world.
To play you will need gloves, balls, shin guards and jerseys. The rules are you can’t touch the ball with your hands if you are out field. If you foul you will get a yellow card or a red card. One soccer match is 90 minutes long. If the teams are drawing, the referee might give extra time or penalty shoot out.
Jack Moynihan, 2nd Class

Soccer is a game of skill and practice. It is played in many countries all over the world.

If you are in goal you need gloves. If you are playing you need boots, shin guards, balls and jerseys. If you pick up the ball you are out, if you are not in goal. You pass the ball around and try to score. Sometimes you get a red or yellow card if you foul.

I like to play the game and enjoy it.

Daniel O’Sullivan, 2nd Class

How to play an X-box…

An X-box is a box that you plug into a tv and you can play games on it.
Be careful not to break the electrical wires and don’t drop the X-box. Remember to put a battery in the controller. In Fifa 14 you can go on Ultimate Team but you have to have X-box live. Minecraft is a game that you can download or buy.

Aidan Higgins, 1st Class

An X-box is a box you plug into the tv. You can play games on it. You must be careful not to break the electrical wires.
This is how you play. The buttons you press are A, B, X and Y. A is to pass, B is to kick, Y is for drop ball to feet and drop kick, and Y is for slide tackle. Start the game and try to sore the most goals and try to win.

Cathal O’Riordan, 1st Class

An X-box is an electrical device that you can play all sorts of games on. You plug it into the wall.
This is how you play. You turn it on. Then you turn on the remote. Remember to put in the batteries. Do not stand on anything. X on Bat Man is kick and punch. You have to defeat all of the bad guys. If you press A you can climb up buildings and electrocute someone and they will give you power-ups and their suits.

Graham Cottrell, 2nd Class

An X-box is a box that you play games on. You plug it into the T.V. It is an electrical device so be careful.
This is how ou play. There are some buttons A, B, X and Y.  The games you can play are Fifa 14, WWE, 2K 14, Grand Theft Auto and Fifa 10.
I love all of the games.

Kevin Daly, 2nd Class

An X-box is a game that you plug into the tv. Try not to trip on the electrical wires. The games you can play are Medal of Honour and Fifa 14.

Ben Walsh, 2nd Class

How snow is dangerous

Snow is frozen rain. It is very cold and soft. It usually falls in Winter.
You can use snow to make snow balls or a snowman. Snow affects us by its dangers. Ice is also cold. Black ice is also very dangerous as it is awfully slippery. It is risky to drive on ice. Snow can be great fun too but ice is still dangerous.

Calum Cronin, 1st Class

Snow is frozen rain. It is white and cold. Snow is soft. Snow comes in Winter.
We can use snow to throw snow balls or to make snowmen. Snow affects us by its dangers. Black ice can be really dangerous but white ice is not bad. Just like icy roads. If there were icy roads you could have a bad crash. Snow blizzards are also very dangerous. When snow melts it turns into water.

Snow can be great fun but is ice is the worst. I love snow!

Ronan Brosnan, 1st Class


Soccer is a very fun sport in my opinion.
What you need is a ball, two goals and an even number of players. To play soccer it is easy. You get a ball, pass to the players or take a shot. Try to get it into the net. It is important not to foul. The team that scores the most goals is the winner. Two teams are not supposed to wear the same jersey.

Rory Lynn, 2nd Class

Soccer is a game. It is a popular sport.
You need a ball, two goals, two goalkeepers and land. It is also best to wear soccer boots. If you get a yellow card, you have to go off for a bit. You need to kick the ball into the other goals. You will have to not injure any other players. You need to make sure you are not offside.
I think soccer is quite fun!

Joe McAuliffe, 2nd class

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Explanation Writing 2

How to bake a cake.

A cake is a nice treat that you can have at parties and anywhere.

You need to get a pot, flour, icing sugar, mixer, eggs and milk.  First you put the flour into the pot and put the milk and eggs in also and mix them together to make the cake.  Put it in the oven and while that’s cooking, you put the icing sugar and the milk in a bowl and mix them together to make the icing.

I love cake because it is a very nice treat.

Ben Walsh, 2nd

Why are sports so good.

Sports are games.  Sports make us move.  Sport is an exercise.  It is fun.

It gives us exercise.  It is a hobby for people.  It makes us fit.  It is hard.  It is popular around the world.  Some people like soccer, football, cricket, tennis, rugby, boxing, hurling, baseball and basketball.

Sport is great for you.  Some people like sport.

Eoin Goggin, 1st

How to ride a bike.

A bike is a vehicle with two wheels.  It has a chain and pedals.

First you get on the bike.  You must then put your two feet on the pedals.  You must put on a helmet.  You must pedal the bike.  You push with one foot, and then you push with the other foot.  You must look where you are going.

Ciaran Lynch, Seniors. 

How to ride a bike.

A bike is a vehicle with two wheels.  First you get on it.  You put on your helmet.  You pedal the bike.  You must watch where you are going.

Alex Dineen, Seniors.

How we ride horses.

A horse is an animal with four legs.  First you get up on the horse.  Then you tap him because that makes them go.  You ride him with care.  You have to ride him in the field.

Horses can be dangerous.  I think horses are lovely.  They say “neigh”.

Alan McCarthy, Seniors.

How to ride a bike.

A bike is a vehicle with two wheels, a chain and pedals.

First you get on the bike.  You put on your helmet. You must watch where you are going.

Samuel Mueller, Seniors.


How to build a snowman.

A snowman is a man you can make in wintertime.

A snowman is fun to make with snow.  To make a snowman, you have to roll up three snowballs.  The sizes of the snowballs are large, medium and small.

At the end of winter, the snowman will melt.  In springtime, the snowman will definitely melt.  The reason the snowman melts is because the snow isn’t strong enough to fight the hot sun.

I think snowmen are fun to build.  I like snowmen.

Cathal O’Riordan, 1st

Why dolphins are nice.

A dolphin is a fish.  He is a good swimmer.  Dolphins jump out of the water.  They are cute and friendly.  They are nice.

They are grey or blue.  They are very clever.

Diarmuid O’Donovan, Seniors.

How to swim.

Yogo in the pool.  You must paddle to swim.  You must kick your legs.  You must swing your arms.  You must close your eyes under the water.  You must float.  You must wear swimming togs.

Dylan O’Connor, Seniors.

Why hurling is good.

Hurling is a sport.  Hurling is fun.  You can score goals.  It is good to have a hurley and a sliotar.  You can run with it.  Hurling is fun.

Michael Cronin, Seniors.

How to play Minecraft.

Minecraft is a game that millions of people play.  Everything is square.  You have to make a house before night because monsters come out, like zombies, skeletons, creepers and Endermen??.  In the tutorial, you have to build a house with blocks and windows.

If you win, you get to explore.  I like to build a house or a castle.

Daniel O’Sullivan, 2nd.

How fish live in tanks.

A fish is a living creature that lives in water.

I think people take a fish’s egg, take it to their work-place, wait and when hatched, they sell it.

Next you buy a fish tank.  I recommend you buy a big tank because your fish will feel like it.

Calum Cronin, 1st.

Why hurling is good.

Hurling is a sport.  Hurling is fun.  You can score goals.  It is good to have a hurley and a sliotar.  It can keep you fit.  Hurling is great.

Christian Barry, 1st

How to keep chickens.

Chickens are a type of bird that can not fly in the sky.

When you are minding chickens, you will need a hen house, a barrel of water, hay, grass and ration.  When cleaning out a hen house, you will need a shovel, bucket, hay and a bag.

Once in the summertime, my Dad was gardening.  I went down to the hens and I thought that a Black Rock was having chicks.  So I came and moved the Black Rock and then it pecked me.  I think hens are easy to mind.

Brion O’Keeffe, 1st.

How tractors work.

A tractor is a machine a farmer uses.  First you must turn the key.  A tractor has 4 wheels to drive.  Sometimes, tractors can have a loader.  All tractors use petrol to work.  The PTO shaft is very dangerous.  The farmer uses a tractor to pull the machinery.

Fionán Lane, Seniors

Why dolphins are nice.

A dolphin is a fish.  He is a good swimmer.  Dolphins jump out of the water.  They are cute and friendly.  They are nice.

They are grey or blue.  They are very clever.

Tyler O’Donoghue, Seniors

Why you need a tractor.

A tractor is a big machine that you use on a farm.  The front wheels are smaller than the back wheels.

You need a tractor to drive in the grass because a car will get stuck.  You need a tractor to take cattle around the farm and horses as well.

Tractors have trailers to take horses and cattle around.

Anthony O’Donovan, 1st

Why people go to Meelin Hall.

In Meelin Hall, you can play soccer for hours.  I love Meelin Hall.  Meelin Hall is really fun.  MeelinSchool go there for P.E.  People go to Meelin Hall because they like to play soccer, basketball and football.

I love Meelin Hall.  I hope that Meelin Hall will stay forever.

Kevin Daly, 2nd

Why there is Christmas.

Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ on 25th of December.  It is a time of happiness.

There is Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  It is a special time to bring family together.  The people go to someone’s house and they eat, drink and leave.

At Christmas, you get a break from school to have a short holiday.  You go back to school in January.  On the last day of school, you might not have to wear a school uniform.  That is nice.

I think that Christmas is a wonderful time.  All my cousins came for Christmas – even my uncle came all the way from Australia this year.

Rory Lynn, 2nd

How to work on a farm.

A farm is a place where farm animals live.  A farm has stables machinery, fields and bales.

If you work on a farm, you have to have animals.  That means you have to feed your animals every day.  You have to cut the hay when it is the right time.  You cut the hay so it can be eaten by the animals.  Cut hay can only be eaten by certain animals – so be careful!  Sometimes it is good to have a dog if you have sheep so the dog can round up the sheep but only sheepdogs can do that.

You can go to the mart to get animals and you can sell animals to other farmers.  So now you can start your own farm.

I think farms are good.

Jack Moynihan, 2nd

How do you play rugby?

Rugby is a sport.  You pass the ball.  You can kick the ball.

You can tackle your opponents.  If you hit someone, it will be a foul.

The ball is an oval shape so when you kick it, it will go right to left.  You pass the ball backwards if someone is behind you.  The ball is brown and white and I like it.

Charlie Saville, 1st

How to play Minecraft.

Minecraft is a game.  You can build houses, farms, soccer pitches and swimming pools.  There is a man called Steve.  You can move Steve.  You can change your name.  There are creepers.  There is water and lava.  There are trees and flowers.

I love Minecraft!  Minecraft is my favourite game.  In Minecraft everything is square.  I love building things!  My opinion is that I think that Minecraft is the best game in the world.

There are animals too.  There are pigs, cows, sheep and chickens.  You can kill the animals.  I found gold in Minecraft.  I made a hotel and I blew it up with TNT.

Colin O’Leary, 1st

How to play golf.

Golf is a game that is played by a club and a golf ball.

You try to get the ball into the hole.  You hit the ball with the club and try and aim into the hole.  You must hold the club in the right place with two hands.  You must swing the club upon your shoulder and you can’t leave the club upon your shoulder or you won’t hit a good shot.

There are normally eighteen holes in the game of golf.

Eoin O’Driscoll, 1st

How computers work.

Computers are screens that can explain things to you or show pictures. The way this happens is get Google and download an App.  To turn on a computer you have to plug in a plug and wait until it is on.

Computers always have a mouse.  You can play games on a computer as well.  When a computer is on, you click Google and type in what you want.  You can look up things to buy on a computer as well.  A laptop is the same as a computer, except you can carry a laptop but not a computer.

On a computer you can watch videos or little cartoons.  Computers can be touch screen as well.  You can not use a computer with bad weather because it could knock out electricity.  On a laptop, you can close the screen but not on a computer.  I think computers are handy.

Ronan Brosnan, 1st

How to ride a bike.

A bike is a vehicle with two wheels.  It has a chain and pedals.

First you get on the bike.  You put your two feet on the pedals.  You put on a helmet.  You push with one leg and then with the other.  You must watch where you are going.

Conor Kelly, 1st

How to make a snowman.

A snowman is 3 big snowballs stacked on each other.  He has eyes, a mouth, a nose and rocks as buttons.  You can only make a snowman when it snows.

First you make a small snowball and roll it to make it bigger.  That is the body.  Now make the head.  To make the head, roll another ball.  Put this new ball on top of the middle.  Now put buttons on the two bottom balls.  Also, put on buttons to make his eyes and mouth and a carrot for his nose.

Aidan Higgins, 1st

Why sports are so good.

Sport is exercise.  It is fun.

It gives us energy.  It makes you fit.  Sometimes people like soccer and rugby.  It is a great pastime.

Colin Lehane, Seniors

How do you swim.

Swimming is a sport.  You go down under the water and you kick your legs.  You swing your hands or you can do the butterfly swim.  You must close your mouth.  Or you can swim with your head not underneath the water.

Cillian Saville, 1st

How machines work.

A flying machine is a faster form of transportation than cars and boats.

A plane without a propeller was first made in World War II.  It is very complicated to fly a plane.  There are a lot of controllers.  I would recommend not to fly a plane without practice.  You have a double task.  One is ignoring the people, second is flying making noise around you in the plane????  Planes are very famous for their speed.  There are lots of games about planes or about flying.  It has an engine like a car but it is just a lot more powerful.

Joe McAuliffe, 2nd

Why are sports so good.

Sport gives us energy.  Sport is football, hurling, soccer.  Sport is good for you.  It gives us exercise.

I like sport.  Sport is popular around the world.  Sport is good for you.  Sport is good because they get the best players.  Some people play cricket, soccer, football or hurling.  Sport is a great hobby.

Dara Weathers, 1st

How to ride a bike.

A bike is a vehicle with two wheels.  It has a chain and pedals..

First you get on the bike.  You put two feet on the bike.  You put on a helmet.  You pedal the bike.  You push one foot and push with the other.  You must watch where you are going.

Gavin Fleming, 1st

Why hurling is good.

Hurling is a good sport.  Hurling is fun.  You can score goals.  It is good to have a hurley and a sliotar.  It can keep you fit.

Hurling is great.

Jack Lane, Seniors

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